“As a theater, arts and arts education champion in my volunteer life and professional consultant for arts and arts education organizations across the US, I am pretty picky about quality arts education. In particular, having worked with the Folger Shakespeare Library, the NEA, the Presidents Committee for the Arts and the Humanities and numerous performing arts institutions and funders, I believe that Shakespeare needs to be taught with joy, meaning and relevance to today. I recently had the opportunity to experience the Portland Playhouse Festival from a very different perspective that of a parent. I was blown away by the impact of the festival. Nikki's presentation to the audience (primarily students) preshow was one of the most inspired and inspiring "why Shakespeare and why theater matters" presentations I have seen. Talking with the students and watching her interactions with them confirmed that a masterful program is afoot. The combination of respect, push, inquiry, challenge and passion that Nikki brought forward and demanded of all participants is an exemplar of effective arts education. Shakespeare matters because he is one of the greatest storytellers ever and the timeless themes of his work offer windows to explore nearly every aspect of human endeavor. Producing Shakespeare matters because the collaborative act of a production, the study and exploration, the choice making and creative expression it entails build the most powerful of human skills the ability to convey meaning and to build connection. I congratulate Portland Playhouse on creating a powerful education program that advances mission and inspirers the next generation of artists. Investing in education, community engagement and artistic development is critical to building audience and ensuring success for the arts. Thank you."
- Eric Friedenwald-Fishman, Metropolitan Group, Creative Director and Founder
A Doll's House | Broadway World | 2016
A Doll's House | Oregon Live | 2016
You For Me For You | Oregon Arts Watch | 2016
You For Me For You | The Oregonian | 2016
Portland Monthly | Fall 2011
Reasons to be Pretty | The Oregonian | May, 2011
The Scene | The Portland Mercury | February, 2011
The Scene | The Oregonian | February, 2011
Telethon | The Portland Mercury | October, 2010